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Wndsn Quadrant Telemeter: The Telemeter Side

The Telemeter side hosts a set of scales to measure angular size as well as a nomogram to determine distance or altitude from the measured values.

Telemeter Operation

  1. Keep the string taut, for a distance of 57.3 cm from eye to object.
  2. Align the instrument's baseline to the base of the object to be measured.
  3. On the α scale, read the angular size at the upper bound of the object.
  4. Take down the instrument and now align the string with the determined value on the α scale.
  5. On the S scale, align the free end of the string to the known height.
  6. On the D scale, read the distance where the string crosses the scale.

Telemeter Operation

Example: The object measured is approx. 4.7° high; the known height of the object is 4 m; we read on the D scale a distance of approx. 48 m.


Wndsn Telemeters are unitless, which means that you can input your data in the unit you prefer, and get the output in the same unit.

How to switch between units

Using arbitrary units with the Telemeter.

Wndsn String Theory

Wndsn string theory posits that the more perpendicular (or obtuse) the string is to the center scale, the more accurate are the results. Which means that you can switch to a different unit (or power of 10) for increased readability.

Wndsn string theory; left acute, right (more) obtuse angle. The 0.3 degrees (left) becomes 3 degrees (right) and hence the result on the D scale moves from 'somewhere between 300 and 400' to a more precise '38' (x 10).

Wndsn string theory; left acute, right (more) obtuse angle. The 0.3 degrees (left) becomes 3 degrees (right) and hence the result on the D scale moves from 'somewhere between 300 and 400' to a more precise '38' (x 10).

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