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Wndsn Quadrant Telemeter Tutorials

Making the most out of our graphical telemetry computers.

Like with many complex instruments, there are multiple ways to solve certain problems and to measure the required inputs. Combining the various functions leads to a multitude of advanced uses.

Acrylic Instrument Cleaning

Level: Basic

It is inevitable that dirt, grime, and other contaminants will accumulate on the surface of your instrument over time. The engravings, which make up the scales and markings on the surface of the instrument, are made by carving them through the outer surface to reveal the inner, contrasting core. This technique is used to make the engravings as legible and resistant to scratching or damage as possible, so that the instrument can continue to function properly and the scales will remain visible and usable for as long as possible.

Cleaning when it's actually dirty

To clean an Acrylic Quadrant Telemeter, you will need:

  • A soft, lint-free cloth (such as a microfiber cloth)
  • Isopropyl alcohol (at least 90% strength)
  • Water
  • Dish soap

The steps

  1. Begin by wiping down the device with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any loose dirt or debris. Be sure to pay special attention to the engravings, as dirt and grime can easily accumulate in these areas.
  2. Mix a small amount of dish soap with water to create a cleaning solution. Dip the cloth into the solution, then wring out any excess water.
  3. Gently scrub the surface of the device with the soapy cloth, being careful not to apply too much pressure. If the dirt is particularly stubborn, you may need to use a slightly more abrasive cloth, such as a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  4. Once you have removed as much dirt and grime as possible, wipe down the device with a dry, lint-free cloth to remove any remaining soap or water.
  5. If the device is still dirty or has any stains that have not been removed, you may need to use a stronger cleaning agent. Dip a cloth in isopropyl alcohol and gently scrub the surface of the device. Be sure to use caution when using alcohol, as it can damage some types of acrylic.
  6. Once you have finished cleaning the device, allow it to air dry completely before using it again. Avoid using heat sources such as a hair dryer or placing the device in direct sunlight, as this can cause the acrylic to warp or discolor.

By following these steps, you should be able to effectively clean and maintain your Acrylic Quadrant Telemeters.

See also:

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