Wndsn Quadrant Telemeters
Description and use.
The Wndsn Quadrant Telemeter is a simple observational tool for measuring angles via various inputs combined with a number of means to directly process the acquired values.
Initial Quadrant Telemeter Setup
Correct installation of the string is an essential prerequisite for working with the Quadrant Telemeter. The following are important:
- Correct spacing of the knots for use of the Telemeter.
- Plumb line weight and cursor for using the functions of the Quadrant.
String Preparation
- To install, knot the string to the device through the provided hole.
- Add marking knots at 57.3/2 and 57.3/3.
- Measure a length of 57.3 cm (22.56 inches) from eye to device and add another marker knot.
- Make a small loop at the end to fasten the plumb line weight.
- For measuring distances, hold onto the string with your teeth or hold the respective knot up to eye level.
Installing the Cursor
The cursor is a sliding marker on the string, used to store a value or to project from one scale to another. To install, overhand-knot a small piece of different-colored string to the measuring string before the first distance knot.
Positioning the Knots
- Make an overhand knot and guide an awl, needle, or equivalent through the loop.
- Optionally, or for very thin string (below 0.35 mm), thread a short piece of string through the loop.
- Carefully tighten the knot around the awl and the extra piece of string and slide the knot laterally along the string, using a ruler, to the intended position.
- Fully tighten the knot and remove the awl. You now have a knot determining an exact length. Use different color of string for the extra thread for additional marking purposes.
Replacing the String
The string provided is made of braided Dyneema. If a replacement is necessary, any rigid, inflexible string (of exact length) between 0.2 and 0.3 mm in diameter is suitable for use with the Quadrant Telemeter.